Everest dd 66000 speakers

Some rave reviews and used availability has my interest.
Any classical, jazz guys with listening experience or comments from someone you know? Thanks
@ kiddmann, Thats my ticket punched!, what you just said about the room sizes for the everest speakers!, thanks, and cheers!
Hi Kiddmann,

Thanks for your comments. I hate being corrected. lol. I never would have guessed that, conventional wisdom being what it is. However, wouldn't the Everests benefit from being in a big room though? I can't see how they wouldn't...
Hey Dave,

I have heard them in an immense ballroom and a smaller room. They went deeper in the smaller room, that's an advantage. They were more open with more even bass in the huge room.

To a degree they benefit from a large room. But, my point was that they work remarkably well in a small room....and the designer had that in mind since he knew his biggest market was Japan (small rooms).

They are surprisingly versatile, the 67000 even more so.
I love this Thread!, everyone is so educated on whats being talked about here!, I enjoy you guys, Dave_72, Kiddmann,,,, I was considering the 66000 because they are around $25,000.00 to $28,000.00 used!, thats a better price then the K2s new!, I am assuming that the 66000 are better than the K2s. cheers!