Everest dd 66000 speakers

Some rave reviews and used availability has my interest.
Any classical, jazz guys with listening experience or comments from someone you know? Thanks
I must say I am impressed with the posters of this thread. Nobody has chimed in saying how much horns suck, how bad horns honk, quack, bite, and shout. Nobody saying JBL makes garbage. This, in the face of the high end magazines have mostly black-balled horns in the American market.

I myself have been chastised for using horns, from other manufacturers and customers. So why no negative talk here?

One mention of Magico or Wilson brings out the haters of those saying how bad they are, yet not a nasty word here about horns.

This thread has some good listeners I guess, and open minded people, which is great.
@ Dave_72, Thats a good idea!, bring the amp!, It weighs a whoping 180 pounds!, I am crazy!, I may break the ole back, But for JBLs!, Hell yeah!, Happy listening!
@ Kiddmann, Hi, I know that this thread is stange to you that nobody has said nothing negative!, something you are not aware of with me!, I was a professional musician most of my life!, up an down the east coast and all over Florida!, That said, All musicians know, some of the best sound with live venues was JBLs with Rock, country, etc..., You did not see wilson speakers, Avalon,Revel, etc...The Jbl Horns used on stage out performed literally all the competition!, Now, why in the world would eanybody use something else for the home other than the best horns JBL offers like you have!, I may not can afford what you have!, I will counterplate the next best thing for my amp and system that I can afford in the used market!, with your help and Dave_72s that I believe have alot more exsperience than I do with home use JBLs can help me achieve the realism of being at home on stage again!, Happy listening!
@ kiddmann, I own JBLs L7s now that are not horn speakers that I modified and sound ridiculously great!,I put Taralabs omega jumpers on them and still points ss ultra footers under them, with Taralabs omega gold speaker cables and the Taralabs zero I/c on the Krell 700cx!, I have only been tring to build this system for 13 months!, I should say it may take 3 years to complete!, I want to build a system i can ride off into the sunset with and care less whats better!,but have a world class system!, cheers!
If you want compression driver dynamics but can't spend for some big JBLs some Tannoys can do the trick, or Altec 80x drivers.