Best Bookshelf speaker 1300.00 budget

Imaging/clarity are most important. Will be used as 2 channel stereo system with no sub. Don't need alot of bass for my listening..however some is needed. Have listened to Revel M105 1300.00 pr and from reputation Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 for 850 or so. Willing to listen to recommendations. This is for a small living room that is not closed in...10 by 12.
New or used? If you are buying used the Spendor 3/5 or Harbeth P3ESR are great little speakers. I have owned both and they will not let you down.
The new Spendor S3/5R2 was just reviewed in Stereophile.They list for $1595,with the usual dealer discount of 10% or more off that would be about $1450. If you can stretch it give them a look. They would be perfect in your size room.
I think you are making a mistake not buying used, especially if you were to find a pair of Harbeth P3esrs. It's hard to find a monitor speaker clearly better for even $3000 and they are build like tanks so buying used is rarely a problem.