Lore vs Vandersteen ICi vs Ohm Walsh Talls

I have read most of the discussion on AG and even Audio Asylym about two of these speakers. However, Vandersteen 1Ci is an upgrade model with a new tweeter and crossover. The three speakers are approximately in same price range, except the Lore which is less at $1000.

I have heard much about the Lore speakers, but there size makes them a bit overbearing for a 14X12 room, unlike the Vandy's and Walsh Talls.

I would appreciate comments about these three speakers system. Never got a response to a few technical questions from either Vandersteen or Ohm-Walsh. Thank you
I've heard good things about both the Lore and Ohm, but don't have enough experience with either to comment on them. I've owned the 1's myself. You can't go wrong with them. They easily beat anything I've heard any where near their price. (Understand that I haven't heard every speaker and that's just my opinion.) I would call Vandersteen with any questions. He's very good about taking calls from customers. If he starts yelling at you, pay no attention to it. He yells at everyone. (I know first hand)
TO Zd542: Thank you for your comment. Yes, I was reemed by Mr V. for not reading the manual about setting up the rake angle. (what a joke!!) that is, a folded 2 page blue sheet.is a manual!!!.

A real Prince Charming. One wonders he sells anything. I owned the IC about 7 years ago, and liked them, but not enough to keep them. Supposedly, Vandersteen has upgraded the tweeter, and cross-over. There is a seller on AG who claims they are now competitive with the 2CE.I like to know how the ICi upgrades translates into better sound. I often think that audiophiles let these guys off the hook when they claim upgrades, yet too often, the results are nominal or nothing.

I am looking for a small floor standard as an alternative to my main speaker. I like experimenting with different speakers. I mentioned the Lore's because I have seen many testimonials from members about them I could easily live with the Lore M (Mini) which is $649, and not as big as the regular Lore.
The one significant advantage of the Lore is its efficiency and easy to drive nature. This offers flexibility with lower power but high quality amplifiers (SET and tube push pull of simple circuit design). Most owners of the Lores seem very happy with them.
Good Luck,