B&W 802d Misleading Information and Scammers

I am relatively new to this forum. About two months ago I decided after hearing some 802d speakers that I would invest in a pair. I read up everyday on different forums on this site and others about peoples opinions on these speakers but mainly about how to run them. I was convinced after so much talk that my 802d would not run on my Marantz sl7300 (100wpc) receiver. Anyways after setting them up just to test I was surprised that they still sounded very good, granted that I do have to turn it right up to get some substance out of it.
I am going to upgrade the cable and put a power amplifier in but I thought if there was anyone else out there in a similar situation to me that this information would be some peace of mind.
The other thing that I found was that when trying to purchase these speakers that almost everybody on ebay selling them was a scammer and for some reason unknown to me paypal is not a preferred method to be paid, where is the guarantee that you will get your goods?? Has anybody else had run ins with who they think were scammers?
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I once had Aerial 10Ts driven by an Aragon 8008B (about a $2500 amp). I switched to a Pass X350 and they sounded like a new speaker, with a totally different midrange driver and tweeter, with ethereal and liquid vocals. I then became a 100% believer in the importance of an amp (as the saying goes, that first watt makes all the difference).
Check out Legacy Audio against the B&W 802Ds and all might see them listed here soon. lol