feedback wanted Reference 3A speakers???

Im giving a serious look into Dulcets which are a step below he Del Capo..anybody ?? Also, what power are you using to these speakers ??
I used a pair of DeCapos for longer than any other speaker I've ever owned. Reference 3A makes a great product at a reasonable price. I used the DeCapos with several different amps, from a 5w 2A3 tube amp, 8w class A solid state, 30w class A monos and several different higher powered amps.
I had deCapos for quite a while. I think they employ a very specific set of trade-offs to achieve a specific result.

They combine better bass extension than most stand mounted monitors with a truly neutral octave to octave tonal balance. That's unusual IME because the lack of true bottom end energy (true of this and basically all other small box speakers) requires limiting the output thru the presence and treble region to maintain the octave to octave neutrality. Most manufacturers seem to maintain more output in the upper octaves so that the speaker sounds more dynamic. The result - to my ear - is that the vast majority of stand mounted monitors tend toward a bright voicing that would benefit from the addition of a subwoofer.

The real world result of the Ref 3a approach is a monitor that sounds really neutral. It doesn't really invite the use of a subwoofer - it would sound bottom heavy if you added one. OTOH, it definitely struck me as polite sounding and limited in dynamics.

To my ear, maintaining neutral balance at the expense of dynamic "jump factor" is a wise trade. However, IMO, that is the price that was paid in this design.

Caveat: Don't know if this applies to the Dulcet. I haven't heard it.

I have never heard a bad thing about the Del Capo's ever...until a slight negative post from Marty....time will tell
I have had the Di Capos for about 4 years now , playing through a Primaluna PL2 at @35w. They are a very honest speaker that will let you hear what the rest of your equipment sounds like .
Very uncolored and an easy load .
However , what Marty states about the lack of dynamics is their achilles heal . It has perplexed me for quite some time .

Good luck