Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

Did anyone drop this link yet?

These two speakers seem to operate under two different paradigms. The Tannoy is the Power paradigm, the Magico on the Voltage Paradigm. So you will need different amplifiers to show either one off properly (although my IME you will have a better change of getting the Tannoy to sound like real music- see the article for why).
Why are folks still responding to a thread where the OP said he was purchasing the week of April 15th and has disappeared since.
The discussions are'nt just for the OP, some are of general interest to all of us.
I agree with David12, I enjoy other`s perspectives and observations on an open forum.These two speakers represent such different designs and sound presentation.I just found it interesting someone would be equally attracted to both.
For instance, do I want a 20 watt tube SET or a 400 watt class D power amplifier, two different worlds.