Goodness Mulveling, you weren't the only one to pile on the S5's. That was a group punch on! Moving forward, i'm pleased you gave this series a second chance. As I said in an earlier post "I am not sure which amps you heard those S5's with? however the S5's are best matched with warm, tube-like solid state amps and then they sound magical. I've heard the S5's with both Vitus and Dartzeel which both have excellent synergy. You could also try cables like Jorma Prime which are very well balanced, natural sounding, harmonically rich & have a liquid flow which I think would compliment the S5's very well. Siltech Royal Sig series also work well with Magico. As always, it is a matter of synergy."
Fyi, I asked Jon Baker from Magico if he felt the S5's bass was as well integrated as the S1 and received this reply -
"Both the S1 and S5 bass are equally integrated. The difference between the two is really more of a function of ones acoustic environment.". You need to keep in mind the S5 has BIG 10" long throw bass drivers which require a long time to play in and open up. Most owners report they need a MINIMUM of 250hrs to play in, and i've heard a couple of other owners report like the Q3's the S5's continue to improve right up to 1000hrs. All i'm saying is, consider if your earlier audition of the S5's was optimal before judging those speakers.
Fyi, I asked Jon Baker from Magico if he felt the S5's bass was as well integrated as the S1 and received this reply -
"Both the S1 and S5 bass are equally integrated. The difference between the two is really more of a function of ones acoustic environment.". You need to keep in mind the S5 has BIG 10" long throw bass drivers which require a long time to play in and open up. Most owners report they need a MINIMUM of 250hrs to play in, and i've heard a couple of other owners report like the Q3's the S5's continue to improve right up to 1000hrs. All i'm saying is, consider if your earlier audition of the S5's was optimal before judging those speakers.