Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.

'It means Jack Shite because you have no empirical data to support why you prefer it. Why would anyone prefer a higher THD, trainwrack frq and power response, lack of extension, bloated bass loudspeakers to one that is the exact opposite?
It will be very difficult to explain why would anyone prefer an inferior speaker, but that is hi-fi for you.'

Dear oh dear - its obvious you have a long way to go in your Hi Fi journey.

Here is the truth. The purpose of Hi Fi is to trick the listener into thinking this is real. That is an emotional response not accounted for by measurements. I have heard plenty of gear that measured ho hum that sounds glorious, as well as plenty of gear that measures impeccably but sounds - well ho hum. And conversely as well - plenty of gear that measures dubiously and sounds that way, and plenty that measure impeccably that sounds fantastic. No hard and fast rule here.

There is a guy in Sydney Australia, by the name of Steve Garland, that has what many people that have heard it say is the best system in Australia - it simply sounds so beguilingly real. Some people from the states who had heard everything under the sun were on a holiday and called in to hear it. They left shocked - it was better than anything they had heard state-side.

It has a Axiom 80 driver in a cabinet that acoustically is a joke - its as resonant as hell. It uses a hand built and tuned valve amp and DAC. Many many hours have been spent getting it to sound just right - and it was by ear - no measurements at all. It will likely measure terribly - but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Forget measurements - you hear music - not measurements.

BTW my speakers are the exact opposite - technically a tour de force - but that is another story. Some people actually prefer a system I know the uses the same speakers as mine to Steve's - and having heard that particular system many times I wish I could get mine to sound as good. But the guy installs systems for a living and has spent many hours getting it just right using his many years of experience.

Its all in how you react to what you hear. Check out the following review of exactly the same speaker to see what I mean:

For one person - the best he has ever heard - and he is a speaker builder of many years experience - for another - ho hum - and he is a very well respected audio engineer. The speaker measures impeccably - yet we have two different reactions.

BTW they were my personal speakers that were reviewed and I obviously side with the speaker builder. But the other guys view is equally valid. There is only one way to know which camp you fall into - listen for yourself.

Just as an aside those speakers are quite famous here in Australia, with many like me liking them a lot. But it wasn't until that review was published quite a few people came out of the woodwork saying they sided with the Audio Engineer, but were intimidated by the loyal following it had and were afraid to say anything.

The moral is its VITALLY important to always use what you hear as the measure - not what others hear.

Bill, I agree with your view measurements should only be used as a guide & not determinate of what sounds good to your ears, and so conversely disagree with how Usermanual framed up his above comment. As you said listening is the ultimate lipmus test. That said lol I was wondering when your commentary was going to turn into an advertisement for DIY and aLenehan speakers :D. You, like Mbovaird have a long history of evangelizing about your beloved Lenehans on SNA and other forums & being in the DIY camp. Everyone has a natural bias toward thier own gear. Nothing wrong with that until it practically becomes a religion. One form of dogmatism is not cured by another.
Forget measurements - you hear music - not measurements

Sorry mate, but you lost me there.
You do understand the difference between listening to “music” and listening to “music reproduction”, right? If you do, you then must agree with me that what will determine how “real” and enjoyable our experience will be is how accurate the system that reproduce it. It is very simple you know. If we can’t agree on that, I don’t see the point of any further discussion.
Melbguy - I ask you to look at what I said.

I acknowledged even for products I am positive towards some don't like them, and was very concerned some were not saying what they thought because they were intimidated by people like me.

These days I try very hard to be even handed and get people to forget what those positive or negative towards a bit of gear think.

Regarding this thread I pointed out I prefer the Tannoy, but deliberately refrained saying why. I even pointed out my view meant nothing. You must hear them and make up your own mind.

I really do feel, compared to some in this thread, I have been very fair. The last post I did was a distillation of many years experience listening to gear. I pointed to a review you never see, one where one person pans a product, and another is the exact opposite to get the point across.

To be blunt I believe my comments were very neutral and unbiased.

Bill, equally go back and re-read my comments. I agreed with some of what you said. I further acknowledge you have a lot of experience in audio & enjoy many of your contributions, but when your posts inevitably return to how Lenehan speakers are equal to, if not the best sounding speakers in the world, and that tubes and diy gear beats $30 and $40k Vitus, Dartzeel etc, I lose interest and walk away. Its like can get a top engineer and modify a Subaru as much as you will never be a Porsche. It will just be a very good Subaru.

I pointed to a familiar theme in most, if not all of your posts going back several years promoting Lenehan. Here are some examples on a quick skim through..

Its all in how you react to what you hear. Check out the following review of exactly the same speaker to see what I mean:

BTW they were my personal speakers that were reviewed and I obviously side with the speaker builder.

Just as an aside those speakers are quite famous here in Australia, with many like me liking them a lot. But it wasn't until that review was published quite a few people came out of the woodwork saying they sided with the Audio Engineer, but were intimidated by the loyal following it had and were afraid to say anything.