how can I make the back wall transparent?

If this is the wrong place for this topic please move it

My listening room is 11.5 x 15 and my speakers are 3.5 ft from the back wall.

I have spent considerable effort tweaking stuff, to the point where the system sounds very spacious and deep, BUT it still does not sound as spacious as systems with 6-8 ft of free space behind the speakers.

Is there any aesthetically pleasing wall treatment available that would give me that depth without moving the speakers

Taking the wall down is not an option:-)
I think you've got it covered.

One thing worth adding is that you might have to adjust distance between speakers as well when you play with distance from front wall in order to maintain good imaging, including a strong center image in particular. Mono recordings are particularly useful for testing to see how well center imaging is doing. If center imaging works well for a mono recording, stereo recordings should benefit as well.

Its also worth noting that what works best for sound stage size and imaging may not be exactly the same setup that works best for flat frequency response top to bottom. I like to get the soundstage and imaging right first, then tweak from there as needed to get tonality right as needed. That might include wall treatments, or any of the usual suspects used to tweak sound quality from there.
Also try severe toe-in as well, such that drivers are pointed to cross in front of your seat position. Some people prefer this set up. It can mitigate some of the bad near-wall effects, especially if the speakers are ported.
The toilet paper rolls will only help with soundstage depth/making the back wall transparent if attenuation of sound levels to rear of speakers is what is called for based on all the above.

In terms of aesthetics, they is what they is. :^)

Wow - I was expecting much more trouble than this - I'm beginning to love these speakers. Talk about forgiving!

I only had to move them a few inches back and the sound stage front to back became much more pronounced. Previously everything was behind the speakers. With the new placement the main artist is further forward but not in front of them. The rest of the sound stage is nicely spaced backwards.

Fortunately, those nasty standing waves seemed to have stayed away, so no need for any traps.

Toe-in is best at about one inch over the depth of the speaker (15 inches). More than that and the sound stage starts to close in :-)

The clarity also has improved a lot - even outside the room the sound is amazing and crystal clear

Thanks for all the input - this was the last part of the puzzle that had eluded me.

Now for some serious listening:-)