want to hook up 2 spkrs for each left and right.

My sherbourn amp will drive 4 ohm speakers. I have an extra pair of Definitive Mythos 2 speakers. I would like to run 2 of them for the left and 2for the right. What is the safest way to hook them up. Each spkr is 8 ohms. Series or parallel? Thanks. Greg
A P.S. to my previous post. A solid state amplifier will only be able to deliver half as much power into 16 ohms as into 8 ohms. So depending on the power rating of your amplifier, to avoid the possibility of clipping the amp when using a series connection you may need to be a bit more careful with how high you turn up the volume control, compared to a single speaker situation.

-- Al
Both speakers are identical and mounted one above the other. I am using a Sherbourn Receiver.
Yogiboy is correct.If you run parallel you take the chance of damage to your amp if it can't handle that lower load.
If thats the case then run them in series and the volume will be the same on all. No worry about damage of amp. Just remember that the power will be less so try it and see if it is sufficient.