Anyone going to the NY Audio show today to Sunday

I'm going Saturday and Sunday.
Hours of the show are today, Friday, 2pm to 8pm.
Saturday 10am to 6pm.
Sunday 10am to 5pm.

Location of show is in Midtown at 455 Madison Avenue (between 50th and 51st streets) at NY Palace Hotel.

Number to call for tickets.
If you buy tickets, they'll send you an email and you just print out the ticket.
Hi Chayro,

Yes, I'm Jeff Joseph. It's too bad you weren't able to get a seat, judging the sound balance from a standing position is unpredictable. Perhaps you were stuck in a bass null. The bass in the seats was excellent, I had many ask me if we were using a subwoofer ! We weren't.

I have the Charlie Daniels album too, I bought it on Harry Weisfeld's recommendation, along with Frankie Laine and the Zubin Mehta interpretation of The Planets.
In short, disappointed. Being an enthusiast, I love to look at components and admire craftsmanship, but sound-wise, not much "wowed" me. 80-85% of what I heard left me saying, "I want to go home and listen to my system".

Best sounds, in no particular order:

Harbeth, Red Wine, Bricasti
Martin Logan CLX

Biggest disappointments:

KEF Blade, Chord, some 'table that had counter-rotating platters. (considering the $, worst sound at show).
Coincident speakers/amplification.
Many others as escaping me at this time. I'll chime in
if I remember.

Also, one major disappointment that MANY rooms were guilty of: LOUSY MUSIC PLAYED TOO LOUDLY. Nothing chases me out of a room faster than anything electronic. This includes guitar, bass guitar or anything synthesized (i.e. "club" music). This is not how to determine if a system can accurately reproduce recorded acoustic sounds. IMO.
One thing i noticed about the Dan D'Agostino Momentum Preamplifier, it has tone controls.
It has a bass and treble control and a tone defeat control if you dont want to use them.
I agree that the vast majority of rooms were very expensive yet mediocre. The only room that really stood out for me was the LessLoss room, where I felt I was listening to and really enjoying music.

I also felt the Coincident room was creating music, although it did not sound on par with the Kaiser Kaweros in the LessLoss room. (Nor should it have -- the Coincident equipment is substantially less expensive and was stuffed into a smaller room.)

In most other rooms, I felt like I was hearing audio systems being put through their paces. This applied to the Wilson rooms, the Audio Doctor/KEF Blade room, and the Woodbridge Audio/GamuT room. By the way, I did not like the Sound by Singer room. I used to own VAC gear and love it. Maybe the Raidho speakers were the issue, but the VAC/Raidho system Singer had on display sounded very artificial and "plasticky" to me both times I heard it.

That said, I assume that room acoustics were partly to blame in some rooms. There were quite a few rooms with speakers that were clearly too big for the space. Those massive GamuT speakers in the small Woodbridge Audio room looked and sounded ridiculous in that space. The Vivids also seemed way too big for the room they were in.
I've already replied up above, but after reading more of this thread, I have a question. Like I said, this was my first "audio show" and I really enjoyed my day there. But all you guys are complaining. Is this a normal response to all the tremendously hard work and sincere efforts that the dealers/distributors/stereo companies/etc. obviously devoted to putting this whole thing together ? Shouldn't we all be a little more grateful that all these folks are doing the best they can to keep this "audio industry" afloat and vital ? I'm somewhat bothered by all this negativity.