Why so many JL Audio Fathom subs for sale I wonder

Just mulling some thoughts around about JL Audio subwoofers. Been thinking of adding one, maybe 2 to my system. They are awesome subs and come highly reviewed in the Absolute Sound, and Stereophile. Recommended components, powerful as hell, accurate, flexible...all very positive attributes. I have a few friends that own F112's, F113's.
So why do so many of them show up for sale here on A-gon? I'de like to get some input from A-gon members as to why that might be? Seems baffling that something so highly regarded and affordable ends up for sale so often. Thoughts anyone?
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04-16-13: Mcpherson
What did you think of the JL's you heard?
Mcpherson (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Greetings Mcpherson. I thought they were awesome. So much so that I'm thinking of selling my JM Lab / Focal Sub Utopia Berylliam, which is really a great sub and has been my reference for the last 5 or 6 years. I've owned numerous different subs over the last 15 years or so. Velodynes, Bag Ends, Von Schwikerts, Sunfires, HSU's, and the list goes on. Went through them like toilet paper for a while in search of the "perfect" bass (if that's even possible), then bought the JM Lab-Focal and loved it. Now I want to try a JL Audio sub. SO many of them up for sale here on A-gon. Just makes me question why, is all.
But I have indeed experienced them and they really do kick some ass. And of course....I'm kind of a "Bass Freak" "Bass-a-holic" and want to see/hear what a Fathom F212, or a couple of F113's will do in conjunction with my MBL 101e Mk2's, 9008A's, and my 6010D Preamp. I know. Why? It'll probably be too much, and completely unnecessary but I think it will be fun and the JL Audio stuff is quite affordable here on the Gon. It's the question of why the heck does everybody seem to be dumping them that gives me pause and makes me hesitate, that's all.
SO I thought I'de throw it out there and see what the fine folks on A-gon had to say about it. Thank you to all who have conrtibuted so far.
Great thread....I have thrown the question out here on Audiogon in the past about the worth of adding a sub to a 2 channel system. Everyone here was great with informed responses, however, I agree with James 63's answer. A two channel system sounds best as two channel system. I auditioned only the REL's that were to be used with Sonus Faber Cremona M's in a room that is 13 1/2 feet across, 21 feet deep and with a 7 foot ceiling and is all ASC treated.....I know that you have to find the '' right '' sweet spot for the sub to work correctly , but .....I think that I would rather save the money spent on a sub(s) - and upgrade the speakers in a strictly 2 channel system. Just my opinion and I'm sure some will disagree, and that could a reason why you do see them up for sale.
When I heard a single JL in an extreme high end 2 channel system I was very impressed. Sounded like the real thing, very, very good sub. I would not worry that they show up used!