I have an old exposure amp which I love. I have heard many people say naim and exposure have similar apporachs to music.
Being that our amps having similar sounds and the type of music you listen to I highly suggest System Audio.
I have had their entry line (SA 505) and have now moved up to there lager bookself the Mantra 10s. These speakers pair well because they are very smooth but fast (small drivers). The PRAT really comes through. In addition the smoothness is great for your music choices and kinda tames a amp that can be a little harsh with the wrong speakers. In additon Naim and exposure have the bass control that really bring alive a very tight and controled bass the system audio's can provide with the right amp.
Other up sides for the Mantra 10 is that they sound amazing at lower levels (including sound stage), sound great off axis and image and sound stage is great. Very balanced speakers so you really get a nice balance.
I am sure KEF 50s are awesome too people have also been saying really good things on here about proAR Tabblettes Anv. edditon.
Alot of these speakers are great its alot about what you can buy local as its not a great idea imo to get somthing you have never heard.
What is you budget? That will help people make suggestions
Being that our amps having similar sounds and the type of music you listen to I highly suggest System Audio.
I have had their entry line (SA 505) and have now moved up to there lager bookself the Mantra 10s. These speakers pair well because they are very smooth but fast (small drivers). The PRAT really comes through. In addition the smoothness is great for your music choices and kinda tames a amp that can be a little harsh with the wrong speakers. In additon Naim and exposure have the bass control that really bring alive a very tight and controled bass the system audio's can provide with the right amp.
Other up sides for the Mantra 10 is that they sound amazing at lower levels (including sound stage), sound great off axis and image and sound stage is great. Very balanced speakers so you really get a nice balance.
I am sure KEF 50s are awesome too people have also been saying really good things on here about proAR Tabblettes Anv. edditon.
Alot of these speakers are great its alot about what you can buy local as its not a great idea imo to get somthing you have never heard.
What is you budget? That will help people make suggestions