A good system will just replicate what is on the recording. The greater the resolution, the better the effect, if it is there to begin, depending on mic placement and mixing. Case in point concerning the Mercury studio recording of 10cc's "I'm Not In Love". The soundstage expands with the echo delay effect in the mix. I have had this recording for many years and I often use it, along with others to see how a new component is interacting in the system. I cease to be amazed at how this "halo" effect of the mix just keeps expanding completely to the walls of my room front and back the greater the resolution of the system is increased, the speakers completely disappear, just one case in point. What is more remarkable is how the lead vocal becomes more natural, coherent and focused amid this effect, just amazing.
In live music this is never heard or experienced so the reality is that a microphone can seldom capture what you hear in a live setting but some of the old RCA and Mercury recording engineers did a very credible job in replicating what you might expect to hear from a live orchestra at a venue if not ALWAYS missing the natural tonality of real instruments as credible as a great system may get.
In live music this is never heard or experienced so the reality is that a microphone can seldom capture what you hear in a live setting but some of the old RCA and Mercury recording engineers did a very credible job in replicating what you might expect to hear from a live orchestra at a venue if not ALWAYS missing the natural tonality of real instruments as credible as a great system may get.