Speakers that sound like Usher Be-20s/10s

I am looking for speakers. I am a fan of the Usher sound - superb 3d soundstage, excellent leading edge dynamics, great attack and transients that make one jump out of the chair. I am considering the BE20s/10s in the used market but given their huge size and room requirements and low availability in the used market I am in two minds. Can anyone recommend a speaker that sounds similar? Especially previous Usher owners? I was considering Revel Salon 2s but got the impression that they are a little un-exciting and don't have a good attack (I may be mistaken)
My amp - Rotel 1090
Hi everyone,

I own a pair of BE-10 and i can't find anything that can compare to it! Truing to find one for less is impossible.
Revel is overpriced for a non-interesting result. Comparing a BE-10 to the SALON is not fair for the revel...
The BE-10 is very transparent and the result can be really different considering the matching electronics and cables. I heard the BE-10 with PLINIUS mono blocks during the Munich high-end salon and it was pretty bad. The sound was too forward and flat due to the non musical PLINIUS system.
I use my BE-10 with MUSIC CULTURE electronics and it's quite amazing. My wires are ACROLINK, ANALYSIS PLUS (i'll upgrade to TARALABS OMEGA soon). The evidence is so clear to ears that you just go deeper into music.
I know the whole USHER range. BE-10 can only be compete by itself. If there is not many BE-10 on the second hand market, it should be the sign that nobody want to change it.
I compared the CP-8571 to the SASHA 3 and even at this price range, the USHER was superior in every way.
I think you've better stay in USHER AUDIO brand and try to find something at you're price range. The CP-6311 is an amazing low priced speaker cause it's very musical. Not the most detailed or sharp but music is very emotional with it.
"The sound was too forward and flat due to the non musical PLINIUS system."

You do realize that the Plinius amps you say you heard provide peak current of 50 amps (as opposed to the Music Culture's 20 amps)?

Sammisra, check out Marten Django XL. I had Ushers 8571 mk II a while ago - not bad for the money, but nothing special, having them, I always felt disconnect between midrange, highs and lows and they are very heavy.
The Martens Django XL in my house bested Ushers, Reference Grand Vienna, Sonus Faber Elipsa SE.
The only other speaker I liked a lot besides Martens in my system is Eaglston Andra II, still regret trading them.