Avalon Eidolon Diamond vs Revel Salon 2

A knowledgeable industry insider with zero affiliation says the Diamond is still the more musical. Revels fanfare in industry rags has been so overwhelming; can this possibly be true?
Hello Johnsonwu.

I'm using a BAT Rex preamp & mono-block amps. Violin as well as other stringed instruments sound tonally spot on. The image size and focus amazes me! Hope you find what you are looking for.

Johnsonwu. I can't imagine why you'd listen to"grainier" sounding speaker where "both" have a tendency to "thin out"; instead of buying something to enjoy. Maybe it's time to
move up?
I've heard Avalon speakers many times at a high end shop in Boston. I think they are misunderstood by audiophiles with good intentions trying to fit them into the wrong room. These speakers need room to breath. I've heard them best 10 feet from the rear wall and 6 feet from the the sides.
Listen to them in a good room before ripping them apart with uninformed opinions.
I use my own DIY preamp based on an MFA lumi.
It's ability to convey "body" and "image density" compensates for the tendency to thinness of the avalons. I have owned a few BAT pcs before.

Regarding moving up. I realized I moved up by moving down to a DIY modded utopia divas hence the eidolon moving out of my house. The diamonds are definitely all round better than the eidolons, and doesn't have the bass issues of the utopia. But when it comes to chamber music nothing comes close to the infamously bad made for home theater utopia divas I spent time modding. As for the avalons, no access so no mods possible.