Small Speakers For A Large Room...

I'm about to move my system into a much larger room - ~4,000 cu feet - but for domestic tranquility (I love my wife far more than my music) will need to keep the speakers on the small side. What options are out there in a large stand mount or slender floor standing speaker that work well in large room? I don't listen very loud, and will have a separate powered subwoofer, but mains that visually dominate the room are not an option for me.

If you know of small-ish speakers that sound large, I'd appreciate some suggestions!
PSB Synchrony One will fill that room, and they are pretty narrow floorstanders.
OK. Good idea to start w speakers but if you audition them, make sure you have a similar amp, at least in terms of tube vs. ss. I am an inveterate tube-ophile, so I will suggest small footprint speakers that will mate well w tube amps. And if you go w speakers that are 92 dB/w/m sensitivity, you will be able to go w moderate powered amps, even in that very large room. Right now I am using Hornings and they are very very good w 20-50 wpc tube amps. They don't come up that often used but worth looking for IMO. Wilson's also seem to mate well w tubes; used Sophias would be in that price range. Vandersteen 5s- but not sure how well they work w tubes, never heard them that way, but you would not need a sub and they are very "tunable" to the room. Not sure if Duke @ Audiokinesis has small footprint floorstanders but he is a great source of information and he will steer you in the right direction, even if it's away from his products. Raidho monitors might be in your budget. Von Schweikert VS4 Srs or even the Model 5 would be in budget. I love Merlins and they are v. small. W the right sub they might work in your room- if you call Bobby @ Merlin he will give you an honest opinion. I have not heard the floor standing Ref 3As, but their monitors are excellent and w a sub should be OK in that room. Markpaos recommendation of the Zus also makes sense, but I have never heard them.
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