Feedback on the current Reference 3a changes ?

To me (IMHO), the new (slate grey) finish on ALL of the current Ref. 3a speakers looks like the crust on the hooves of old knu's. I'm not sure if the texture is the same... I have only been involved with young ones. Couple the knu finish with the "baboon butt plug" sticking out of the woofer and the race will be on for them to suffer the same fate as their Rhino-coat(ed) brethren (with the ribbons in the middle). Show the wife a picture of the 7th Fleet moving into the living room and there will be no "grey area" as to her response. And of course, for additional torture, lets shove brrrr-illium tweeters in there just to keep up with the current status and bling. I'm sure that they work well for some, but I have always walked away from them (The BE. tweets) VERY happy to walk away from them.
It seems as though Ref 3a has snatched the grasshoppers from our hands and we (I) didn't want them to. They looked great the way they were, they sounded superb, and the price was fairly fair. Are the future owners doomed to the knu look of industrial austerity ? Are the current owners of the gorgeous "gloss red maple" forever to sleep with a smirk ? Should we care ? Please tell me while my grey pants are still dry.

I use push and pull bat vk - 60 which I think a bit too powerful for the De Capo. I sounded too harsh for the tweeter.

I think a 20 watts SET amp will be very good for De Capo.

I am a big fan of Focal. I just got rid of a pair of 706v (al/mag tweeter) and hated to see them go. Downright excellent pacing and very musical. Very, very important to me is that they played well at low volumes. I am in hopes that the DeCapos can do as well in that area.

I have a pair of the new DeCapo's. I cannot compare them to earlier versions, but do not let the BE tweeter put you off. These sound nothing like the Focal BE speakers which had harsh highs I really did not like.

But the last time I listened to the Focal Be line was about 10 years ago so perhaps the new Focal are better.

The DeCapo is ultra sensitive to placement, height, toe-in e.t.c you have to experiment.

Also do not just place them on a stand. You need the blu-ack, otherwise there will be no bass at all. Rather than blu-tack your best option is a set of Atacama Isolation Gel Pads. The Decapo sounds dramatically better with these isolation pads underneath.
Sharing a few emails with Tash Gohka, I also expressed a desire to mate a low powered amp with my De Capos. He recommended the Antique Sound Lab AQ1005 MK2 as a good choice. It was revised with the De Capos in mind, and they work well together.

I'm using an ARS Sonum Filarmonia and I'm quite pleased with the results.