Best monitor for under $4000.00

I have a dedicated listening room that is 13.5 X 18 X 8 high and is a well treated listening environment.I use Thor TA-1000 preamp with Thor TPA-30 mono blocks.They are 30 watt el-34 tube amps with understated power!I have had Kharma 2.2 before and though they sounded nice the room was overwhelmed with them!

I listen mostly to vocals,small jazz groups amd aucoustic music!I listen at low to moderate levels.I know I need to demo...but please point me in right direction.Speakers I am interested in are

Refrence 3a de capo
Harbeth 7es
JMR super bliss
B&w pmi
spendor models
merlin tsms
Some excellent suggestions here. I just bought a pair of Fritz speakers, the Carbon 7's, for number 1 son. Sold direct by the manufacturer, so cuts out the cost of a retailer and very high quality drivers and cabinet construction, also available for 30 day home trial I believe. Fritz himself could'nt be more helpful. What's not to like.

So if you want to get a good bang for your buck, take a look at the Fritz Speaker website, check out some of the reviews.
I can only say that I love my TSMs. And that I have owned B&Ws in the past and founding them wanting. Things may have changed since then, however. Unfortunately, I have not heard the others.
Whatever you do, if buying new, go with a long standing reputible company that has a warranty and accepts credit card payment. I learned the hard way!