Anyone listened to LaHave Speakers

This is a speaker that has come on to my radar although I've never heard it. Apparently a very small manufacturer out of Nova Scotia Canada they have been making monitor speakers for 25 years yet seem almost completely unknown to the audiophile community. They have shown at the Montreal Audio Show over the years and most recently at RMAF with their Mela model.

How many of you have heard them and what are your impressions of their presentation? The buzz about these speakers seems under the radar but of the ones that have actually HEARD them there seems to be a concensus that they are quite special in their realistic presentation of music. What is the dope on these speakers? I really am quite curious but info seems quite limited and their website sure doesn't provide much information.
Thinking of selling my Lahave mela. I haven't listened to speakers in a very long. Let me know if anyone from canada is interested. Bought from an authorized dealer, looking to sell these for $4k
Thanks for the responses. This is the problem with a speaker manufacturer with so little exposure, too few have heard them so it just becomes a leap of faith based on the little info provided which I'm unwilling to do, been there done that, not this time. If there is anyone in Florida that has them please contact me if willing to let me listen.
I agree with Tubegroover...not too long ago I was seriously considering them but ultimately decided against them simply because I have never heard them. If you have a good product (or even not so good) you have to make yourself available to the public somehow, drag yourself to some shows, especially since it's a standmount, not some huge floorstander.
Though belated... I have the Melas also - a true "World-class work of art" in both appearance and sound quality - which rival the TAD monitors for a lot smaller "investment." A term I use for a piece of audio gear, which you would expect to keep and savor for a lifetime! If you ever find them at a good price... don't pass them by.
I've owned a pair for a couple of months. I've owned 30 pairs of $1500-5000 stand mounts over the years and these are the most expensive but also the best. Detailed, fast, yet with a real musical tonality, very much as the others have reported.
I use them in my 10x12 ft. office system and the sound is heavenly- on a par with the best I've heard.
If you find a pair, do consider them if the budget is there. They are premium performers in every way.