Lots of detail, great imaging, not much bass?

Since my o.p. didn't go through, here's the short version...

Looking at possibly buying a pair of great imaging, loads of detail, low bass (as not to bother neighbors) speaker.

Budget $700-?

Front end is Classe Ca-150, lightspeed attenuator, parasound z dac blah blah blah.

Musical tastes: rock, house music, jazz, female vocals...

Want great imaging, detail and bass I can hear, jusy not bass the neighbors can hear!

Suggestions? Totems? Silverline minuets? I'd prefer to buy used since I'm looking for lots of bang for the buck!

Mucho Gracias!
Thanks Larry! I agree with what you said and maybe I should revisit the maggie idea as Elizabeth had another good point about them not putting out the kind of bass that really travels through walls so much.

I guess I could also check into a pair of crossovers; necer thought about that...
I did try plugging my ports but that didn't work so well.

I guess I could think about a pair of speakers that would just sound really good at low volumes.

I'm just confused at the moment about whats going to work best.

Hey, Tony, thanks for the input on the different silverlines! I appreciate the info. I'll check for your pm. Thanks!
Tonyangel- if you are talking about an inline passive crossover (which is an interesting thought), wouldn't this limit the flexibility of the bass roll-off in his system?
50 Hz sounds about right, but maybe 80 Hz would required. Maybe a "try and buy" type deal?
Lowrider, I'm not talking about a passive inline crossover. This is just something that someone else brushed upon in another thread and the use of an active crossover was brought up.

Given B_limo's situation, it just seemed that adding an active cross over to the his system might allow him to side step getting rid of his speakers in favor of something that doesn't go as low.

Of course, we're just talking here and most of what I'm saying is just speculation, but whether a crossover will limit the flexibility of his system will depend on the roll off of the crossover.

If he goes with something with a steep roll off, like 24db per octave, it seems to me that high passing his speakers at 50 or 60hz would get him what he wants for his particular problem.

Believe me, I'm no expert on the subject, but it also seems to me that a steep crossover would not limit anything, but would possibly be a solution to his rather unique situation.

This thread just got of parallels something that I was discussing about my own system.
thanks, Tonyangel for the explanation. Agree that an active crossover would work in a particular system. I understand that we're just tossing out ideas.
I will give a bump to the Totem Rainmakers. I use them in my bedroom system with an HK990, and absolutely love them. I was using a pair of Quad 12L Active speakers, which were also excellent. Either of these will go down to 40hz cleanly, and can be purchased used within your budget.

The Magnepan MMG recommended earlier is also an excellent option.
