Speaker advice?

Hello all-

I'm trying to put together a nice sounding system for a small listening room (about 10' by 10'). Space is constrained in every way, so I need to select small speakers and small components. I have a few options in mind. I am wondering if readers have any thoughts as to whether one is better than another, or if any of these a good idea. System A) is a Creek Evolution 50a amplifier, a Creek Evolution 50d cd player, and DynAudio Excite X12 speakers. System B) is a Creek Evolution 50a amplifier, a Creek Evolution 50d cd player, and KEF LS50 speakers. System C would be either speaker above paired with a Rega Brio R amp and a Rega Apollo R cd.

Any thoughts about which direction I should go? Thanks, Margot
As for as the electronics go, I listened to a little NAD integrated. 326BEE, I think it was. It sounded really nice. It just didn't have enough power for me, but I have a much bigger room than you do.
For a room that size I would consider The Grant Fidelity LS3/5A. I just happened to see they have them on sale right now for only $381.00 (40% off). For amps I would add the Exposure 2010s2 series, Naim nait 5i, Bryston B60R (used) and perhaps a nice little tube integrated to the list. good luck
Hello all,

Thanks so much for the good advice.  I am getting a real education!  I should have explained originally that I have a shelf issue that gives me about 12 inches of depth (not including cords and cables) for amp and cd.  So this knocks out a lot besides Creek evolution 50a and Rega.

I have now eliminated the Kefs for reasons given by Al above and the Dynaudios (sigh) because of the room size.  The room is actually 9 by 11.  I will be able to place each speaker about 2 feet from the back wall and 2 feet from the side wall.  Would the Epos Élan 10 work okay in such a small room?  If so, I love the idea of an Epos - Creek pairing.  If not, I am also pretty intrigued by the Q Acoustics Concept 20, the Peachtree, and the Silverlines. The Grant Fidelity looks amazing but I am pretty confused about the clone/knock off issue?

And then there is the possibility of going all Rega: brio, apollo, rs1.

Any further insights, please advise!  I really appreciate the help.

Get yourself a pair of Spendor 3/5's,you can place them anywhere without problems.If you want to spend a little more go with the Harbeth p3's,both are outstanding with the Harbeths a little brighter and the Spendors a little laid back. You will not go wrong with these!
My room is a cramped 9x11 and I just picked up a pair of KEF LS50's running on an old Yamaha R9 receiver. They sound fantastic on cheap 24 inch stands(about 2 feet out from side wall, 3 feet out about 5-6 feet apart), can't wait till I get good stands. Having heard the Rega Brio at The Show Newport, and the amp will embarrass many efforts offered at the 2k range. I think that would be a VERY seductive and alluring match. I can't stop going through our music collection. Very cool speaker I could live with for a VERY long time.