Speaker advice?

Hello all-

I'm trying to put together a nice sounding system for a small listening room (about 10' by 10'). Space is constrained in every way, so I need to select small speakers and small components. I have a few options in mind. I am wondering if readers have any thoughts as to whether one is better than another, or if any of these a good idea. System A) is a Creek Evolution 50a amplifier, a Creek Evolution 50d cd player, and DynAudio Excite X12 speakers. System B) is a Creek Evolution 50a amplifier, a Creek Evolution 50d cd player, and KEF LS50 speakers. System C would be either speaker above paired with a Rega Brio R amp and a Rega Apollo R cd.

Any thoughts about which direction I should go? Thanks, Margot
Both the Siverline and the RS1 are good enough to make music for many years if one stays rational and avoids upgradeitis.
RS1 is a bit more dynamic and dead nuetral on acoustic music,Minuet a tad more of a "rocker" pehaps.
I've owned both, still have RS1's in my bedroom, at least for the jazz and classical I listen to your idea of an all Rega System seems dead brillant to me.
I'll agree with Schubert on the Minuets. My last pair of speakers were system audio SA505s. They did acoustical and jazz very well, but didn't do rock very well at all. I got the Minuets and they do produce a very satisfying sound with jazz and such, but they also do rock very well.

What I like the most about the Minuets is that they are very forgiving with regard to placement.
Thanks again, everyone. Al, I have taken the Epos out of the running. Still thinking really seriously about the Spendors, Harbeths, Minuets, RS1. Someone also suggested the Dulcet Ref3a, which maybe does a bit more bass. My listening, by the way, is pretty eclectic, except that I don't listen to classical. I play a lot of jazz, pop, rock, country, blues, acoustic, etc. Margot
Oh, and I am also still thinking about the Paradigm Reference Studio 20s, v. 5, though I am unclear how well the Creek Evolution 50a could drive them, or if they are fussy about placement and for this reason might be problematic in a small room. Thoughts?
If you're considering the Studio 20s, I'd strongly suggest that you check out the Studio 10s as well. Yes, the 20s are larger and they go a bit lower, but the 10s sounded much better. The mid range was just more pleasing to my ears.

In a room the size of yours, I don't think it's going to make much of a difference, but the 20s do play a tad bit louder.

Just want to mention that my last pair of speakers was the Studio 10 and I moved those in favor of Minuet Supreme Plus. The Minuets had more body and were much more transparent.

I'm not saying that the Paradigm stuff doesn't sound good, because it does. I'm a big fan of Paradigm stuff, but the Minuets just sounded better in my setup. The Paradigms are also going to be a bit more fussy about setup.