Room acoustics in a former church sanctuary?

Hey all,
My wife and I have stumbled on an extremely cheap property that used to be a church which we might buy. We are both artists/musicians, so a Goth space like that seems like a fun challenge to turn into a home. I was wondering if a church sanctuary could be used for BOTH producing music in, and for my hi fi. I wouldn't want to spend a lot of money on room treatments, but it could be a work in progress over many years, in which case some long term investments wouldn't be out of the question. I do feel that a separate listening room takes the fun out of listening to music for me personally, though I respect others for using one (and I am aware of the acoustical advantages of them). The sanctuary is roughly 30 by 40 feet and has a fairly low, barreled ceiling with a rear upper loft. I was thinking of putting my very modest Vandersteen 3a's off from that rear wall below the loft which would project forward into the rest of the space. The rear upper loft would be used for a music room (instruments and the like). Maybe this is an impossibility, maybe the echoes could never be reigned in... I am curious what you folks think.

And we get to hear live music EVERY week in what is usually a pretty good acoustic space. Not to mention the other benefits!

Bbro...the "cool hats" suggestion is for the clergy mostly and I recognize that many religions may be hatless and therefore less fun...but I was talking about starting a new religion anyway (and "Regular Church" could be a GREAT name for this). 3 years for exemption? Piece of cake. All religions are mythology based by the way, otherwise where would the fun be? Amazing ritualistic ceremony (including a celebration of infant "naughty bits" skin removal), imaginary friends in the sky, deity images showing up in tree bark and waffles, post death virgins, the power of's just all wonderful, and certainly there's room to cook up some more stuff.

That looks like an ultra cool place, the possibilities are endless, and at the price they are asking theres a lot left over for remodeling, especially if your handy and can do most of it your self.

Theres always the golden rule of construction, it always takes longer and it always cost more, but what the heck, if not for challenges and projects life would be boring.

Best of luck if you go with it and keep us posted on your progress.


Wolf, LMAO :-)
At that price? Buy it! Buy it now!
I drive by a small church everyday and look at it thinking how cool it would be if it went up for sale. My wife would never go for it, but I can dream.