Speaker suggestions??

As a relatively new listener too high and audio, I am having trouble deciding on a good speaker for my listening preferences

My new-ish setup:
I prefer to keep things simple.. So a very basic system
Amps: Simaudio M-400 (pair) via XLR
DAC: Wyred 4 sound dac2DSD (no preamp)
Media server: Mac mini
Speakers: Focal 726 chorus

Im not totally happy with the SoCal speakers in the trouble trains I prefer a softer trouble but I still like a full sound but no harsh overdone treble.
I generally listen from pop/ dance/ electronic to jazz, rock pretty much a little bit of everything alright like detailed smooth sound and generally listen at a moderate to high level in a 15x 12 room w vaulted ceilings.

one friend who is close can't say enough about ProAc the 28.
I want to stay under 6k
I am only able to demo the ProAc and a few other brands so your help would be very valuable to me!

Im fine with used speakers too.
I bought my focals when I had my beginner system with surround sound Denon AVR
Yogiboy, really with the Harbeths? I own Harbeths but I guess I've never listened to pop/dance/electronic on them. I'm not sure they would be my first choice for these genres but I could be off. I've heard Mozart as loud as a Motörhead concert and that was awesome.

Please recommend some music for me to try.
I'm a ProAc fan. I also can't say enough good about them. I still use response 3's In my bedroom and love them. I won't say they are the best out there, but to me, they do everything right. I'd never give mine up.
You're not the first to post here looking to tone down the Focal tweeter. Given your preferences the first thing that popped into my head was PMC. There is a nice pair of PB1is on sale here that would probably be just a little over your target after negotiating (priced around $13,500 new). Might be too much speaker for your room, but the vaulted ceilings may help. Best of luck.