How much are beats headphones and the sound?

How much are a pair of beats headphones? I imagine they are expensive, but are they worth it? Do they have really good sound?
JVC ha rx 900 really wipe the floor with beats for about 1/4 of the price.....
I think they are brilliantly designed to fit right for its target market..

Ie. The iPod gen.. Music these younger generations listen too mostly suit and benefit with the little excitement that Beats bring forth. Especially when plugged direct to iPods, iPhones, iWhatever--playing out some Pop, Techno, Dub-step, Rap, Rock, Lounge, even some contemporary Jazz.. the bass boost, slightly receding mids, whilst adding some sizzle to the highs sure are welcomed alterations.

Used as above, I've tried my Stax, and some of the better more accurate HPs, could sound a tad anemic, lacking the punch and excitement for most of the time.

To them, through Beats ~ music seem energized. To me ~ sounded like its purposely tuned to mimic the favorite classic sloping "V" on a parametric EQ which most of us probably used to love in our teen years.

Perhaps ultimately not for me now, but my children aged 12, 17 & 20yrs absolutely adore them, so there's definitely that market for them out there.
*Surprisingly, when playing their kind of music, I actually do find them quite enjoyable too. ;p
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I should have added above that they are fairly well built. I only say that because I know how hard my son is on his portable stuff. He's on his fifth or sixth iPod, but the same pair of Beats.