Attention Thiel CS3.7 owners

I am searching for the right amp for these speakers and was hoping to hear from as many 3.7 owners as possible regarding what amp you are using, why you like it and which ones you have not liked. Thanks in advance for your help with my quest..

Vhiner great question and big decision. I have almost bought these speakers twice! I am a long time 3.6 user and have become so accustomed to the clear, coherent and transparent sound other speakers just leave me grappling for more! Including my Eggleston Andra II's.

I have been using Mcintosh 501 mono's for several years and think it is a great combination. Before that Classe - both in the musical high current realm. You also have to be careful with cabling - tons of good options. I cannot use my Tara Labs The One speaker cables for example - too lean and gives the upper midrange a glare.

I have heard the 3.7 in 2 different settings and they sounded great - would love to do a side by side comparison to my 3.6 before spending 14 to 15K. I do know they are reputed to be more forgiving than jim's former line.

I will probably spring for a pair eventually - curious what is up the new owners sleeve in regards to innovation and a possible statement speaker. Good luck in your decision!

Thanks for sharing your experience! I owned the 3.6's prior to the 3.7's and can attest that the 3.7 is a serious upgrade but cannot advise as to whether it's worth the money...that's very subjective. I can say that the 3.7's are more transparent, balanced and natural. They don't produce bass below 35hz as the 3.6's do, but what they do with upper register sound is simply sublime. The new tweeter is amazing. They are also more efficient, which widens the range of amplifier choices.

I would love to audition some 501's.
The 14B-SST2 may not work too well for you if are concerned about the sound being too forward. If you read Mr Tanners comments (and review) he highlights one aspect of the sound differences between the 7B-SST2 and the 28B-SST2 as the soundstage on one being forward and the other further back. The 7b and 14B are almost the same technically and supposed to sound the same.

There is supposed to be more of an audilbe difference between the 7B/14B and the 28B vs the 4B and the 7B/14B. Today, there are 3 sellers on A'Gon selling the 28B's for $10,000. If you get the original sales receipt from any seller you are essentially buying a new Bryston for 1/2 price. If anything goes wrong with the amps can send it to repair in either Canada or USA. They will fix it and return in brand new shape (or better with some older gear). I wish I had the funds today to buy one of these used amps at this price but I don't have the funds yet (working on my second job as I write this).

I am not sure how your pre-amp would work with the Bryston's but if you were to consider these amps you need to spend some time conversing with the people on Audiocircle and they can give you some guidance. So you don't waste your time and money. One thing you may find interesting is my concern that the new Bryston SST2 amps may sound too tubey. I don't like tubes.

I currently have the Thiel SCS4 with my BAT and a 4B-SST and I know that the pre-amp and amps work well together. This system, sans the pre-amp, will hopefully be relegated to my home office once I get my main rig together.

I was also considering the big BAT SS monoblock amps and the Parasound JC1 but decided on the Brystons because of good experiences with this brand in the past.

The TAD line has intrigued me as long as the Thiel CS 3.7 but prior to the Evolution 1 it was not financially doable. I am a big fan of Beryllium drivers and the reviews of the TAD's have been great. Not sure if The Evolution 1 is 2x greater than the Thiels. I have not spent enough time with the TAD's to make a decision.

As Mr. Tanner noted in the audiocircle thread, the 3.7's pass along whatever is fed to them....with NO interpretation. This is a double-edged sword, so I am being very careful in my decision making process.

I thought Mr. Tanner implied that the introduction of the squared series allowed more filter down of the 28's sound. That aside, I heard a 4BSST2 with some Maggie 3.7's last week and I thought it was a bit "cold" in presentation but the session was not long and the Maggies have their own issues. I simply can't afford the 28's unless they decide to double my salary at work. That'll be the day.
Bryston is too lean/forward for thiels for my tastes (own Theil 2.4CS) but they are good amps. I would looks for amps with a warm rich sound.

As good as the 3.7s are I would take the TADs (never heard them). They have a similar design principle and have a cost no object approach.