salesperson recomends what do you think

going to but new bookshelf speakers for a small room. the salesperson is going to have me listen to b&w sonus faber totem and golden ear. this is in the 1500 range, here in your opinion are there some good choices here. thanks
Yes, they're fine speakers. I just heard the Sonus Faber small bookshelf speakers that are about $1,200. They were terrific!! I was very impressed with them for a small room.
Personally I think B& W are the most over rated speakers ever made.
Sonus Fabers are great, especially for acoustic music.

Golden Ears are good sounding, very good for large scale orchestra music but the smaller two-ways are not near as good according to my ears.
It's good that you're taking the opportunity to listen for yourself, rather than buying based on reviews or other opinions of personal preference. If possible, I suggest you burn one CD with about 10 tunes in the genres of music you prefer, so you can just sit back and listen without having to get up and change CDs. Just make sure to burn the CD at full bandwith and not MP3!. Enjoy and trust your ears as to what sounds the best.