"That Said, I would myself take a chance on them IF they were priced better.I don't buy speakers on looks but for 3-4 K I still think they look shabby."
Well, they are what they are and like most everything else in home audio, the looks will not appeal to everyone.
Take a look at the german OHM distributors web site. Pretty stylish! Have you ever seen the pics of John Strohbeen and the OHM Brookly facility? I recall some in a six moons review somewhere. Pretty shabby and blue collar! Not your typical high end audio type imagery. I suppose it helps keep overhead down being located in NYC. Its a different kind of appeal, based almost purely on the sound. As was pointed out above, that seems to be the focus along with customer service and satisfaction. John S. does do a lot of customizations. I would be willing to bet JS would do up a custom pair of Walshes to meet almost anyones appearance specs if possible. Of course, the cost might go up further as well for a really fine absolute top notch type finish. OR maybe it could be done as a refurb to get teh cost down. Those options usually seem to always exist with JS. Part of the customer service thing. You don't stay in the audio business for all those years without taking care of your customers along the way. OHM depends on customers to promote and build the business, not traditional advertising, so customer service and satisfaction is even more paramount than ever.