What speakers should I consider around $5000?

I'm ready to move on from my current system: Bryston 4BST, Proceed Pre, Revel Performa F30's and Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC. I'm planning to keep the DAC, and swap the Bryston and Proceed out for a decent integrated SS amp (just don't want to "do" tubes, even though I think they can sound great). I like the relatively deep bass of the Revels, but they can sound very bloated without VERY expensive cabling.

I recently heard the following speakers and enjoyed them, but wanted to get some feedback on these and suggestions for others in about the $5k retail price range. I'm open to a used speaker too. Here's the list: Martin Logan Theos, Von Gaylord VG-8, Salk Veracity HT2-TL, Wilson Audio Duette (yes, I know this is dramatically more expensive, but I liked the sound). Also, wondered about the new Revel F308s.

And another issue to consider is WAF....she's HATED the look of the Revels since I first got them 13 years ago. Something a bit less monolithic would be great.

As a separate but related question, I've previewed a Karan Acoustic KA i180 MkII and thought it was great, but if I go down that route, it'll limit my speaker budget to some degree.

I'm getting confused by all the options, so I thought I'd ask for some advice to get me some clarity.


"I'm getting confused by all the options, so I thought I'd ask for some advice to get me some clarity."

I agree. The only problem is that you just can't listen to what other people tell you and then go buy something. You'll need to take the advice but then go confirm it for yourself. I can give you many recommendations but I have no idea if they will be good for you and your tastes.

One thing I will say is that you need to think of this in terms of a systems approach, and not just getting a new pair of speakers. Whatever you buy has to work with everything else. What makes you think you need a new pair of speakers anyway? Why not a different component? Also, can you list your whole system? You put down the Ayre. I'm pretty sure its USB only so I assume you are using a computer as a transport. And the very expensive cables that the Revels need to sound right. Knowing all this can make a difference.
Are you able to audition any of these? Speakers are such a matter of personal preference. These threads may help you narrow things down. But if you are spending this kind of money I'd try to figure out a way to hear the speakers that interest you. Shows aren't ideal settings, but may be your best bet. Even better is to hear the speakers in your own space. Some online retailers have good return policies. As do some manufacturers (Von Schweikert for example, and the VR-33 would be in your price range, tho WAF might be an issue).
OK, I'll try to answer everybody's posts in one response. Thanks for getting back to me and engaging in this conversation.

First, I did list my current system at the top of my post. I will list cables here in just a minute.

Second, aside from the Revel F308's, I did listen to all of the speakers I listed in my post at the CA Audio Show (my first show......fun, but overwhelming).

Third, yes the Ayre is USB only. I use an Auraliti PK90 USB server connected to a generic hard drive filled with uncompressed FLAC files in a variety of sampling rates ranging from 44/16 up to DSD files.

Fourth, I'm currently borrowing a bunch of cables, and, frankly, these cables have made a huge difference, but they would be crazy expensive to buy (representing something like 100% of the cost of my system). Here's the list: WyWires Silver speaker cables, Wywires Platinum IC between Amp & Pre, Wywires Silver power cord to Amp, Wywires Blue power cable to Pre, Harmonic Tech AC-11 power cord to DAC, Harmonic Tech IC (Magic Link 2) between DAC and Pre, Grover Huffman power cord to Auraliti server, Wireworld Platinum Starlight between DAC and server. With these cables in place, the system sounds better than it ever has.

Fifth, for space reasons, and cable costs, I'm really wanting to shift to an integrated SS amp. Also, my Bryston is "acting up" and only has a couple more years of warranty left. The Proceed Pre is also manifesting some sporadic problems. These are just old pieces and I think it time to modernize a bit.

Sixth, as I said, the WAF factor of the Revel F30's has been perenially low; since she's willing for us to invest in some new gear, thought I'd pay more attention to this issue.

Seventh, we listen to a wide variety of music, but primarily electronic Jazz (e.g., Pat Metheny and Bela Fleck), acoustic solo piano and guitar in a variety of genres, symphonic music, and good old rock n' roll (mostly from 70's, although the occasional modern pop song will grab out attention).

Finally, the issue we both noticed with the Revels (and much improved with the thousands of dollars of cables listed above) is two-fold: bloated bass (recording and cable dependent), lack of integration of drivers. You can literally hear (at the right volume and with right music) the physical separation of the woofer from the tweeter/mid "module." It's very disconcerting. We like relatively deep and full bass, but tight. We also are soundstage addicts....the bigger the better. Detail that's musical is also high on our desired traits.

So, that's the scoop, with as much detail as I could manage.

Thanks in advance.

A couple more things....

I looked at the specs of the Dynaudio C1....and am concerned it wouldn't have enough bass energy for the types of music we most listen to. Looked at the specs of the Von Schweikert VR-33.....it's actually bigger and more monolithic than my current Revels ;-) but I did like the specs. FYI, heard the flagship VS's at the show and was impressed by the sound. Unfortunately, i don't think the size of these will fly.

Any particular thoughts on the Martin Logans? I almost bought a pair of electrostats instead of the Revels years ago, but the lack of bass was a real issue.
