Parasound CD-1

I know this is a recent release but has anyone heard this yet?
It sounds like a poor mans (comparatively speaking: $14,000 vs. $4,500) Laufer Memory player. It reads until it's correct and not a pS sooner, playing from a memory buffer. It's Linux based Intel chip is devoted to music only. And its VCXO clock can go <1pS though it measures at <6pS. Femto clocks come in at 0.140pS so that's not too shabby for a CDP.

I've always wished for someone to combine the best of a CDP with a PC and maybe Parasound has pulled it off. Hopefully others will follow and prices should come down in a couple of years.

All the best,
@audiolabryinth. I have played with the setting and they make subtle differences. I'm very happy with the player. I have 1000 CDs so it good to have a player that handles differently recorded CDs as well as they can be handled. This player is great at the price I got it. I won't disclose the price but to me it was well worth it.
I haven't heard the CD-1, but I must say that I have the new Rowland Continuum Integrated with the Holm Acoustics DAC card option installed. I see that they also have done the digital on this Parasound unit. Quite simply, the sound of my DAC was incredible-it sounds like I need to venture deeper into some of Thomas Holm's work-it sounds like a trend worth looking into.