Parasound CD-1

I know this is a recent release but has anyone heard this yet?
It sounds like a poor mans (comparatively speaking: $14,000 vs. $4,500) Laufer Memory player. It reads until it's correct and not a pS sooner, playing from a memory buffer. It's Linux based Intel chip is devoted to music only. And its VCXO clock can go <1pS though it measures at <6pS. Femto clocks come in at 0.140pS so that's not too shabby for a CDP.

I've always wished for someone to combine the best of a CDP with a PC and maybe Parasound has pulled it off. Hopefully others will follow and prices should come down in a couple of years.

All the best,
New. Got a good deal. It's worth the price if you are a 90 to 95% cd guy. Cd playback on my Viennas through my classe gear is wide deep with no digital glare. It makes bright CDs more listenable and gets the most out of CDs that are already great. Also if you are ready to dive in on one let me know.
Cool. It is going fine so far. Love that it has a smooth sound. No digital
glare. This is a very analog sounding player. The highs are there without
being abrasive. The most notable improvements are in the soundstage it's
now wider and deeper. It also better at instrument placement. I have
owned the ayon cd2s. It was way too bright and thin. I own the oppo 95. It
is great but the sound stage is not as wide and deep. It also has a little
digital edge but is great for those who want to stay in a certain price point. I
owned the marantz 15 sb2 a few years ago. I think that's the model name.
Anyway. It was smooth but did not have the dynamics that I like. I
compared it to the luxman d06 the luxman is great but at $9000 price point
the parasound holds it own and beat it in a couple of areas. I also have
compared it to the sony 5400 es. The sony is great for the price but it is
kind of cold and they need a better power supply. Thinner soundstage is
not as wide. If CDs are dying then this is the player I'm listening to while
they are on life support. If you want to stay with CDs for the next 3 to 5
years this is your go to player!!!
great write, This is awsome, I will keep this in mind, However, I need a player with a volume control, the last wadias look intriguing!
Just on further review of my parasound cd1 I will discuss the the output stages. It gives the listener two choices. Discrete will give you a more lively or open sound. The op amp will give you a smoother relaxed sound. I played with the settings for a few hours tonight. I think it is great because it will allow you to adjust to recordings a little bit. It all starts in the recording studio before audiophiles spend a dime. The cd1 allows you a little leeway to adjust. This is system dependent but is great to have.