I can add to this discussion with my experience. I am using synco-mesh with a sonos zp-90 along with red wines tube based NOS isabellina DAC to stream from a music library of ripped cds using dbpoweramp to flac on a NAS, and MOG music service. I have compared this to two very well reviewed DACs that retail for twice the price of the synco-mesh isabellina combination, using USB and jrivers media center. In both comparisons, the USB alternatives provided more noticeable pin point imaging, but I could never warm up to the sound. It became artificial after a very short while of playback, and after time I could no longer listen for long periods. The isabellina is a lush sounding DAC, sweet with wonderful tonality. I can only explain the addition of the re-clocker, as snapping the sound scape into focus, and providing an enhanced sense of ambient retrieval. Sonos is a joy to use. A wonderful interface that makes browsing music very easy. Streaming is a gift to the arm chair music lover, but for me it took time and patience to achieve a more natural sound from the digital source. For my sensibilities, the synco-mesh/NOSdac combination provides for a beautifully relaxed natural sound, without question superior to any the other alternatives I have tried, and this is from files ripped from standard redbook Cds that provide a whole world of music variety.