Sweet deal on the Wadia! A used one just sold on eBay for over $400. The Wadia is too wide for where I want to put my dock but it is highly regarded.
I didn't realize the 2nd generation iPod touch wouldn't run Spotify premium. That's what I was planning to use. I guess I'll be selling that one and picking up a newer model.
I wish Cambridge Audio would hurry up and license Spotify. I wrote them and they say they're still working on it. They have no immediate plans for MOG as its not offered in Europe.
I didn't realize the 2nd generation iPod touch wouldn't run Spotify premium. That's what I was planning to use. I guess I'll be selling that one and picking up a newer model.
I wish Cambridge Audio would hurry up and license Spotify. I wrote them and they say they're still working on it. They have no immediate plans for MOG as its not offered in Europe.