Help me replace my Rotel 1072

The Rotel RCD-1072 has served me very well, and I love its warm, rich sound, but I'm thinking of upgrading.

I'd like to buy a CD player that: a) also has a warm, natural, "analog-like" sound; b) has a little more resolution than the Rotel; and c) is very reliable. If it does SACD or is a universal player, I wouldn't mind, but those aren't priorities.

Here's the trick: I'd like to stick close to $500 used; I'd prefer to buy a single-box player to adding a DAC; and I'm not interested in going the computer/DAC route. I just don't like computers enough to want one in my stereo.

The usual suspects seem to be Marantz SA8004 (reliable?), Rega Apollo-R (again, reliable?, and Oppo 95 (too lean-sounding?). The Sony XA5400ES sounds like it would be perfect for me, but it would be a stretch. Good, affordable CD players are getting thin on the ground with the rise of computer audio... Do I have other options?


Other equipment: Vandersteen 1Ci, NAD C372, Sennheiser HD580, Blue Jeans cables.
It's a bit over your budget, but at $1k the Rotel RCD-1520 is the logical choice. But in the meantime, enjoy your giant killer!
Looking at your system, I have a different option that you may want to consider. My advice is to upgrade your weakest piece. I think we can all agree that your Rotel is not that. Your speakers are exceptional, as well. At their price point, I don't think you can do better. Your NAD is a different story. Its very good but I feel its your weakest component. It has one great feature, though. That is it jumps the amp to the preamp with external rca jumpers. You can use it just as an amp or just as a preamp. If it were me, I would buy a better preamp, remove the jumpers and run it straight into the amp section of the NAD. Upgrading your preamp will make a bigger difference than getting a new CD player.
I have the RCD-1072 (see my system), and it has always gotten along quite well with my Vandersteen 1C's. I originally had the Rotel driving an Arcam Delta 90 integrated amp, and the sound of music was wonderful. Then, I upgraded to the Rogue Audio Cronus integrated amp, and the Rotel deck sounded even better ! Then, I replaced my Vandy 1C's with the Revel F-12's, and ..... Holy Cow ! the RCD-1072 sounds better than ever. So, I agree with Zd542 .... keep the Rotel deck, and think about upgrading your amp. You may be quite surprised by how terrific a deck the Rotel really is. And for me, the HDCD ability of the RCD-1072 is a great feature. Good Luck, and Happy Listening.
Oh man, in walks the separates option! That is, Zd542, admittedly a very good idea. That or upgrading to a better--possibly tube--integrated.

The NAD is very good, especially its bottom end, and this is the best of the NAD integrateds I've used in my systems...but it doesn't exactly provide the kind of 3D, vivid, utterly natural presentation I've heard from better gear. I already use a pair of ICs as jumpers on the NAD, so adding a separate pre wouldn't be too big a leap--though I do like having an integrated because it limits the number of "boxes" in the living room (that's one reason I've been reluctant to go the DAC route).

All I can say is that this conversation has me considering my options...
To replace your RCD-1072 with a better CDP would require going to the $2000 range - like a Rega Saturn. The 1072 is a great CDP. I had one and sold it for $400. I now have a McIntosh MCD500 SACD player.