Oh man, in walks the separates option! That is, Zd542, admittedly a very good idea. That or upgrading to a better--possibly tube--integrated.
The NAD is very good, especially its bottom end, and this is the best of the NAD integrateds I've used in my systems...but it doesn't exactly provide the kind of 3D, vivid, utterly natural presentation I've heard from better gear. I already use a pair of ICs as jumpers on the NAD, so adding a separate pre wouldn't be too big a leap--though I do like having an integrated because it limits the number of "boxes" in the living room (that's one reason I've been reluctant to go the DAC route).
All I can say is that this conversation has me considering my options...
The NAD is very good, especially its bottom end, and this is the best of the NAD integrateds I've used in my systems...but it doesn't exactly provide the kind of 3D, vivid, utterly natural presentation I've heard from better gear. I already use a pair of ICs as jumpers on the NAD, so adding a separate pre wouldn't be too big a leap--though I do like having an integrated because it limits the number of "boxes" in the living room (that's one reason I've been reluctant to go the DAC route).
All I can say is that this conversation has me considering my options...