Which is better: Transport+DAC or PC system+DAC

I want to upgrade my dCS Puccini + Uclock, and as I´m reading very much systems based on PC+ DAC my questios is very easy, which system can give me the best sound?:

1.-Transport as top MBL, Metronome ... + DAC(MSB diamond with femtosecond) OR

2.-One music server or PC(Apple) based system + the same DAC

Thanks in advance
Hi, be careful, you have a killer good digital system already. You may find better power cords, isolation or interconnects more effective...

May i ask what is the rest of your system?
You will find this Forum post very useful in answering your question:


The system is composed by preamp and monos Soulution and speakers MBL 101 MKII, cables from Kubala Sosna Elation and David Elrod PC and turntable Clearaudio ref and tangential arm