How to get balanced inputs working

I have mbl 5011 preamp with a pair of balanced inputs ,when I run dac through it with switch on dac to xlr,which I know is fully balanced , I receive no audio, when I put switch on dac to rca I get. Music don't tell me mbl 5011 has a bogus balance input that's really unbalanced
What is the model number of the Audio Horizons DAC?

And am I correct in understanding that the switch you have been referring to as the "switch on DAC" and as the "DAC switch" is located on the DAC, not on the preamp? Or are you referring to a switch on the preamp, which acts on the input of the preamp that is connected to the DAC?

-- Al
Tried the resetting The 5011 as per mofs instructions (thanks mof ) still no audio, front of audio horizon dac setting is xlr ,balanced lit on front display on the mbl no audio ,switch dac knob to RCA now have audio
Dac is connected with digital cable to cdp
Is the digital cable RCA or XLR?

And, repeating my earlier question, what is the model number of the DAC?

-- Al
The audio horizon dac is the modded 3.0n to svt 90% of there $7400 ref dac it's very very musical and very analog sounding , had the Weiss dac here , mbl , sugden and antelope , beats them very easily , the low level detail scary good