I have owned both the Cary 306 (not pro) and numerous Esoteric unit (X-03, P3/D5 combo). To my hears, I just love the way Esoteric cdps sound. To me and my system, the Esoteric sounded more resolving and energetic. Dont get me wrong, the Cary 306 was very good but it sounded too lush for my tastes. At the end of the day, it was like splitting hairs for me between these two units but ultimately I chose the Esoteric.
I am now getting back into audio after a bit of layoff and am seriously considering the K-05 or -03, probably leaning towards the -05 only because I want to keep the amount of money I spend on this system in sane levels unlike my other system.
I am now getting back into audio after a bit of layoff and am seriously considering the K-05 or -03, probably leaning towards the -05 only because I want to keep the amount of money I spend on this system in sane levels unlike my other system.