Next step after Benchmark DAC1

Hello guys! I was really in love with my DAC1 lately but it's time to upgrade but don't know where to.
Is there any of those who loved the first version and upgraded to something new from high-end line up? I love almost everything in DAC1, especially it's PRAT and signature, it's crystal clear and dead quiet. But there is one thing that forced me to sell it — there is a lack of resolution. It totally failed while I've bought my vinyl rig. Some guys told me that higher version PRE or HDR would sound better. Is that so?

The owner of DAC2 told me that it sound completelly different.

Other sources I've owned/listened and didn't liked are:
Lavry DA10
Ps Audio DLIII
McIntosh MCD201, MCD500

PS. I'm not into analog like sound and whatever it is. I need a quiet and crystal clear sound full of PRAT, that's what I call an egaging DAC.

My rig:
McIntosh MA2275
Klipsch RF-7II
Technics 1210 MKII + Ortofon 2M Black
The new DAC2 HGC is worth a listen. You can get it on 30-day home trial from Benchmark directly or from some of the usual suspects.

Based on my recollection of the DAC1, which I also owned, the new model is definitely higher resolution but retains that quiet background and crystal clarity.
Since you like Benchmark, the natural progression from the DAC1 would be to audition the DAC2 HGC, and if it isn't pleasing, as mentioned you can return it. You don't mention a budget, but it will set you back about 1995. I had one and the only reason I don't still have it is that I have a built in DAC now.

Don't let me forget to mention a DAC that is getting great praise now, the Chord QuteHD. If I was in the market for a new DAC, I would have a hard time resisting a try, based on some seasoned fellows at computeraudiophile etc. who have great feedback on this DAC. It's also less than the Banchmark.
Yes, the Chord is a must-hear if you don't need the volume control or analog inputs of the Benchmark.
Uh, thanks guys but the downside of the whole story is that I'm in Russia, that means no 30 days trial and no DAC2 available anywhere. One that I possibly can audition is Chord. BTW, why are you directing me towards the Chord, is that sounds like DAC1? Or it is simply a good one? Since there are planty of great DACs but they all sound different.

My budget is near $5k for used device.
How will you use the DAC? Your MA2275 has volume control and analog inputs, so seems you don't need that.

Will the source be a computer? If so, the USB-to-SPDIF "module" will be key. I say module because it could be part of the DAC or could be a separate unit. Many people say getting this right should be a priority, including Steve Nugent (audioengr user here) who's the brains (and marketing manager too) for Empirical Audio, that makes one of the best USB converters around - but expensive.

With such a budget you might want to consider the top contenders for such converters: Berkeley, Empirical's Off-Ramp, Audiophilleo with PurePower, BelCanto RefLink. These go for $1-2k in the US. Maybe after adding one of these you decide you don't need to replace your current DAC.

Just a thought. I hope it helps.