Next step after Benchmark DAC1

Hello guys! I was really in love with my DAC1 lately but it's time to upgrade but don't know where to.
Is there any of those who loved the first version and upgraded to something new from high-end line up? I love almost everything in DAC1, especially it's PRAT and signature, it's crystal clear and dead quiet. But there is one thing that forced me to sell it — there is a lack of resolution. It totally failed while I've bought my vinyl rig. Some guys told me that higher version PRE or HDR would sound better. Is that so?

The owner of DAC2 told me that it sound completelly different.

Other sources I've owned/listened and didn't liked are:
Lavry DA10
Ps Audio DLIII
McIntosh MCD201, MCD500

PS. I'm not into analog like sound and whatever it is. I need a quiet and crystal clear sound full of PRAT, that's what I call an egaging DAC.

My rig:
McIntosh MA2275
Klipsch RF-7II
Technics 1210 MKII + Ortofon 2M Black
I actually have an ability to a/b those dacs by myself as soon as I'll get my DAC1 Pre. Hope soon.
Meanwhile I've received my DAC1 Pre and at the same time the Acrolink 1400 speaker cable. Have to say, the Pre version is definately sounds more refined and no way harsh as it was in regular version. I really love the sound of my system now and there is nothing I would change almost 100%. Still waiting for another cable upgrades which are in the air (AQ Diamond USB, VHAudio Flavor 4, Hi-end fises).
Anybody had success with the newer BEnchmark dac2 hgc as pre-amp and DAC? If so, what if anything did it replace?