oppo 105 vs 103

Im interested in the oppo 105 as a source for cd and sacd in an two channel stereo only capacity. Recently I read in stereophile in an article by Kal rubinson that the oppo 103 also had good sound quality. It is five hundred dollar cheaper so I was wondering how close to the 105 it is? Can anyone who has heard both tell me the difference.
I have a 103. Its a great blue ray player and a fine multi-channel audio player. It is not an audiophile class 2 channel player... doesn't have the detail and dynamics needed.
thanks for all the replies, I have decided to go with the 105 or maybe another choice the marantz sa-8004.
I was in the same place as the OP and went with the 105. I can say that it is detailed and musical.

I compred it to an in house audtion with an Esoteric unit costing 5 times more and decided to save $4K.

There was not that big of difference, The Esoteric might have seemed to have a little bit weight to the sound.
I needed a new transport for my Dac but didn't want to go with a "Pure transport" only [for flexibility purposes] so I debated between the 103 and the 105. I first picked up the 103 then shortly afterwards decided I wanted to have the music-making ability of the 105 in case my dac was out to lunch one day and still wanted good music in the meantime, so I returned the 103 and now have the 105. Yes, it seems a bit pricey just to use its coax output but I am using it exclusively for 2 channel audio only (No video, no computer...nothing else) and the heavier chassis and [potentially] sturdier drive mechanism also swayed me. Unfortunately I don't have it hooked up to a tv or computer monitor and all the "autoplay" features and "remembering where I was on the disc" crap is being a real PIA when all I want to do is simplify it down to play/stop/start and maybe "next or previous". For THAT reason I regret the purchase so far but otherwise it seems to do its job ok through the Dac.