oppo 105 vs 103

Im interested in the oppo 105 as a source for cd and sacd in an two channel stereo only capacity. Recently I read in stereophile in an article by Kal rubinson that the oppo 103 also had good sound quality. It is five hundred dollar cheaper so I was wondering how close to the 105 it is? Can anyone who has heard both tell me the difference.
Sometimes you just have to follow the lemmings. If the universal player category leader optimizes a machine for analog playback, reviewers unanimously declare it a winner, people buy them in drover, and virtually non show up used, it is probably just a good machine.
Certainement! My position is that there are only small differences among quality electronic components within a category (unless the manufacturer voiced with vehemence). Even via the analog outs, I could live with either the 103 or the 105 and, via HDMI, could not choose between them for sound quality.

Speaker choice, speaker/room setup and room acoustics are so much more influential, imho.
I have a 103. Its a great blue ray player and a fine multi-channel audio player. It is not an audiophile class 2 channel player... doesn't have the detail and dynamics needed.
thanks for all the replies, I have decided to go with the 105 or maybe another choice the marantz sa-8004.
I was in the same place as the OP and went with the 105. I can say that it is detailed and musical.

I compred it to an in house audtion with an Esoteric unit costing 5 times more and decided to save $4K.

There was not that big of difference, The Esoteric might have seemed to have a little bit weight to the sound.