Pioneer PD-65 & Parasound z-dac

Which current cd player, would these two pieces ( as a combo) compare to as far as a current product? Is there such a thing?
I loaned my PDR-65, purchased in 1991 or '92, to a friend a few years ago and it is still spinning and playing beautifully. A work of industrial art!

My PD65 works just great in my office system. Decent as a transport. However, I compared several CD/DVD players as transports into my separate DAC and the results are:
1. Pioneer Elite DV79AVI
2. Mark Levinson No. 39
3. Pioneer Elite DV09 Wonderful unit, beautiful and great transport. Built like a tank.
4. Pioneer Elite DV 58
6. McIntosh MS 300 as a transport only
7. Pioneer Elite DV 38

Most people got rid of their Pioneer Elite DVE players in order to upgrade to either HTMI units or Blue Ray players. However, if you want an excellent unit as a transport only, it is very hard to beat the Pioneer Elite units. Especially the BDP 09, DV09 and DV 79AVI as transports only. they are built wonderfully, overbuilt actually and are exceptional as transports. And yes, The DV79AVI did indeed match or beat the Mark Levinson No 39 CD player used solely as a transport. If you can find a decent DAC, such as a Theta DS Pro Gen VA or an Audio Research DAC8, you can find a Pioneer Elite unit listed above relatively inexpensively and you will be extremely happy.

The PD 65 is still a really good unit as a transport only and the units with the wood panels are really nice.
6. Pioneer Elite PD 65 (will keep it. Love the looks)
It may be worth it to get the unit fixed. If it turns out that you like something else better, you'll have no problem selling it. Its a very well made transport and the demand is high. I had stable platters in my EAD T1000, Audio Alchemy (Don't remember the model) and my Wadia 830. I always got great sound from those units.