Alternative names for "ZYX UNIverse" cartridge

Somehow I have the idea that the "UNIverse" name for this cartridge was one of two or more other names that designate the exact same item, depending upon where in the world it was sold. In other words, it may have been marketed within Japan by another name. Is this correct? And if so, what is the name given to the UNIverse when sold in Japan? Thanks.
Thanks to all, and I was especially hoping Doug would respond. First of all, I cannot be right or wrong, because I was making no assertion; I was merely asking the question. Second, Doug is correct; I may have been thinking of the dual names given to the 4D and the Atmos.

But since SORAsound is the exclusive marketer of the UNIs in the US, it remains possible that the same cartridge is marketed in Japan (and Australia?) under a different name. If so, I wonder what that name may be. There is a ZYX cartridge for sale on eBay (from a Japan seller) that by looks and description certainly seems to be UNIverse-like. I will be visiting my son in Tokyo soon, and I was hoping to pick up the UNIverse equivalent. I think I want one, but I cannot pay the US price for the UNI2.

Albert, Could it be the Galaxy, or was that a 58 Ford?

Ldvalve, Do you know the alternative name for the UNI in Oz?

This is what I meant, the R1000AIRY3G sure looks like a UNIverse, but then again, there is a family resemblance among all ZYX cartridges.
I've owned the Airy 3, the 4D and the UNIverse. They all look very similar except for the labels. They have a similar house sonic signature, but do not sound the same.
Some manufacturers make every model look different, not ZYX.