SHELTER - 501II CARTRIDGE on Technics 1200 Table

I have been reading very good reviews and comments regarding the Shelter 501 II cartridge.

My question is whether this cartridge would be compatible with a Technics 1200 turntable through a Jolida JD 9A phone preamp?

This, in turn, goes to a W4S preamp/amp and then Maggie 3.6 speakers.
Good afternoon: I run one on mine and like it. This is after going thru a Grado Ref Platinum, Sumiko Blue Point and one other I dont recall. It replaced the Grado. It plays through a Krell KPE Reference preamp. Only mod Ive done on the turntable is the cartridge leads are SME.
I am very happy with it.
Good luck, John
I went through 3 cartridges prior to settling on the Shelter on my SL1210. A Sumiko Blue Point Special, Grado Ref Platinum and one other I dont recall. The Grado was played through a Grado phono amp. I now use a Krell KPE reference phono amp with the Shelter & really like it. I did no tonearm mass calcs on any of them. I hadn't even heard of it at the time. Maybe I went from horrid to barely working mass matching? LOL.
Thought I'd toss this out there after seeing the negatives above. Good luck, John
Sidsip, regarding your post "Shelter and SL 1200 aren't good match. Shelter needs a heavier arm."

Could you please explain why the Shelter needs a heavier arm? I do not really understand table/arm/cartridge matching and would appreciate learning more about it.

Is the problem going to be that it will not track well - that it will "skip"?
Dsper, I assume Sidsip is referring to the resonance frequency of the combined Shelter/SL-1200 arm. It's a complicated subject, probably beyond the patience of anyone to explain comprehensively in a single forum post. In any case, it would be good to educate yourself on the topic. Just Google "cartridge tonearm matching," and you will find a wealth of information, including the following: