Ortofon 309 vs. SME 3012 for SPUs

I am hoping that people here can compare the vintage Ortofon 309 arms to the SME 3012s for use with G type SPUs.

My question is which vintage tonearm is the best complement to a top flight G type SPU? There are a few versions of the RMG 309 tonearm and also SME 3012s (Series I vs. Series II). It seems that the SME 3012 Series I fetches the highest price. I would like to match one with an AE90 or Silver Meister GM MKII SPU.

I did not mean SPU lacks resolution, I meant the SME is not a highly resolving tonearm. I have compared it to a Naim ARO and 47 Labs RS-A1 and both of them showed how much details the SME was lacking.
I decided to buy a restored Ortofon RMG 309 arm and am now on the lookout for a good SPU :) I have heard both the AE85 and AE90 (I liked the AE90 most) but those command pretty high prices on the big auction site and I have read that the Silver Meister is one of the best of the bunch. There are other SPUs that I would ultimately like to try but most others would require a SUT (my preamp has 68db of gain).
I also have heard/read that SPU Silver Meister (earlier one, not MKii) is one of the best matches with Ortofon RMG 309.
To enjoy the old SPU sound, SPU Classic GM E MKii may be good enough. Most other SPUs cost twice as much, and I wonder whether they are that much good for old 50~60's music.
Ortofon will say their current ST-80 SE ($1600) would be a best match, and Verto ($1000) would be good too.
SUTs based on Hashimoto transformers may worth a look. Or Bob's device?
I would like to avoid cartridges that require a SUT because to get one that would match the quality of my phono section would be quite costly between the SUT and the extra pair of RCAs. It's also another piece in the signal chain...

What are the differences between the early Silver Meister and the MKII version? The MKII version has sufficient output (.3MV) so I know it would work with my phono.