Phono interconnect under $500 used

I am using Mogami 2549 interconnects at the moment to connect from the tonearm to my phonostage. It is good, well balanced tonally with macro dynamics and speed. However I get a feeling that I am missing on outright resolution. Is it a realistic expectation to find another interconnect within $500 (used) which will have the fine balance of Mogami yet improves on the resolution ? I am not looking at the latest and the greatest but rather a proven IC for phono connection.
Are you saying that a phono cable terminated with XLRs going into a fully balanced phono-stage/Pre-amp.......will always sound better/purer than a single ended RCA connection?

Hello Halcro, not exactly. What I am saying is that the interconnect cable between the arm and the preamp will thus cease to impose a coloration. Some might interpret that to always be 'better/purer' if they are indeed in search of neutrality with musicality.

Mind you, the balanced setup would need to conform to the balanced standards, but that is not difficult.
Money should not be your mark of distinction for an interconnect....performance in YOUR system should be. You will only know what sounds best by auditioning cables in YOUR system. Don't discount less expensive cables such as Anti-Cables, Morrow Cables, etc. These companies usually have a return for money back if not satisfied
Interesting Ralph.
So in a single ended are hearing the differences in cables be they phono to an external phono stage.....interconnects to the preamp and then interconnects to the amp(s)?
These could be a serious accumulation of 'colourations' or 'flavours'?
With a fully balanced system....what you are saying is that you negate the accumulated affects of all these cables? are still inevitably left with the differences in speaker cables with both types of systems?
