Dear Lewm: IMHO you are wrong. I used tube electronics for many years and time to time I try it to know if something really improved down there, unfortunatelly that kind of electronic technology can't grow up due to so many limitations of the technology it self.
This is not the place to discuss/argue about, I respect your opinion but that you like to live " in the error " does not menas is the technology to go because it is not.
For the whole audio needs that thechnology is heavy faulty and you can't do nothing for support it.
Forgeret about SS technology, problem is that as you we have to learn about you need to learn about and not only been there because " I like it ". Lewm, I learned.
I only put one simple example of that faulty technology: we need a very low output impedance in amplifiers to handle any speaker. This is to handle the complex speaker impedance curve and phase because this speaker impedance curve is exactly this a " curve " with deeps and tips all over the frequency range. To handle in near perfect condition and to have an accurate frequency response from that speaker first than all we need low very low amplifier output impedance and in this regards there is no single amplifier with tube electronics that can match that low very low output impedance ( lower than 0.1 ohm better if: 0.05 ohms. ). by " nature " that technmol.ogy at amplifier level has a high output impedance so the SPL at different frequencies goes down and up according not what is in the recording but according to that speaker impedance curve given to the sound a coloration/distortions that don't came in the recording.
When we have a very low output impedance amplifier working with the same speaker we achieve flat response we add nothing to that signal because the speaker impedance curve.
That is only one of several real facts on tube electronics and the really subject that we have to worried about is that all those reviewers that are proponents on that technology never told us what is happening they as you only writed: " I like it ".
That's why I posted about reviewers corruption because they don't report nothing about and the problem is not only at reviewers level but even at manufacturer speaker level when they don't specify in the speaker manual information the impedance/phase curve of each one of their speakers designs. Why no one do it? maybe because no one asked.
Dera Lewm and friends, there are speaker manufacturers that recomended their low and complex impedance speakers to been handle by tube electronics with high output impedances in the amplifiers.
Look that I said: " handle ", one thing is " handle " where any amplifier can handle almost any thing and other one serious one thing is that can works in the right way on that speaker impedance regards.
I don't care what you, other or even me like it what I care is how to achieve how to have in an audio system the nearest quality performance level on what is in the recording adding the less and losting the less.
The relationship between speaker impedance curve and amplifier output impedance is not only a critical subject but one that makes a paromount difference when is right/matched against when is not right/matched as with tube technology.
Sorry to take that technology as an example but this example confirm, IMHO , the kind of corruption I'M talking about on reviewers.
I don't want to open any window here about electronics technologies, this is for other thread. Please, we have to stay on topic.
Regards and enjoy the music,